Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2016
Generated 15-Aug-2016 11:44 Central Daylight Time

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2016
Total Hits 6205
Total Files 5563
Total Pages 3184
Total Visits 808
Total KBytes 76496
Total Unique Sites 667
Total Unique URLs 100
Total Unique Referrers 208
Total Unique User Agents 358
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 17 150
Hits per Day 413 889
Files per Day 370 844
Pages per Day 212 777
Visits per Day 53 95
KBytes per Day 5100 14438
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 5563
Code 302 - Found 13
Code 304 - Not Modified 23
Code 404 - Not Found 604
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 2

Daily usage for August 2016

Daily Statistics for August 2016
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 456 7.35% 400 7.19% 155 4.87% 66 8.17% 72 10.79% 7738 10.12%
2 660 10.64% 608 10.93% 298 9.36% 57 7.05% 62 9.30% 10086 13.18%
3 279 4.50% 248 4.46% 93 2.92% 46 5.69% 59 8.85% 4419 5.78%
4 351 5.66% 310 5.57% 98 3.08% 47 5.82% 63 9.45% 7184 9.39%
5 407 6.56% 350 6.29% 93 2.92% 56 6.93% 67 10.04% 7989 10.44%
6 217 3.50% 167 3.00% 73 2.29% 46 5.69% 64 9.60% 2526 3.30%
7 161 2.59% 116 2.09% 66 2.07% 46 5.69% 83 12.44% 1450 1.90%
8 305 4.92% 255 4.58% 67 2.10% 46 5.69% 50 7.50% 5060 6.61%
9 222 3.58% 172 3.09% 84 2.64% 45 5.57% 50 7.50% 2463 3.22%
10 207 3.34% 176 3.16% 77 2.42% 44 5.45% 81 12.14% 2360 3.09%
11 314 5.06% 267 4.80% 106 3.33% 60 7.43% 101 15.14% 4425 5.78%
12 889 14.33% 844 15.17% 417 13.10% 95 11.76% 85 12.74% 14438 18.87%
13 866 13.96% 828 14.88% 777 24.40% 76 9.41% 52 7.80% 3476 4.54%
14 705 11.36% 670 12.04% 640 20.10% 63 7.80% 74 11.09% 2317 3.03%
15 166 2.68% 152 2.73% 140 4.40% 19 2.35% 23 3.45% 567 0.74%

Hourly usage for August 2016

Hourly Statistics for August 2016
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 12 183 2.95% 11 165 2.97% 9 146 4.59% 51 760 0.99%
1 16 242 3.90% 14 219 3.94% 12 191 6.00% 86 1297 1.70%
2 12 194 3.13% 12 183 3.29% 10 162 5.09% 75 1123 1.47%
3 16 251 4.05% 14 218 3.92% 10 151 4.74% 169 2534 3.31%
4 10 153 2.47% 9 140 2.52% 9 135 4.24% 48 719 0.94%
5 14 217 3.50% 12 182 3.27% 8 133 4.18% 66 986 1.29%
6 14 218 3.51% 12 186 3.34% 7 106 3.33% 177 2652 3.47%
7 12 190 3.06% 11 168 3.02% 6 104 3.27% 132 1987 2.60%
8 20 301 4.85% 18 279 5.02% 8 130 4.08% 245 3674 4.80%
9 21 327 5.27% 20 301 5.41% 8 124 3.89% 373 5593 7.31%
10 23 348 5.61% 20 300 5.39% 8 128 4.02% 394 5913 7.73%
11 17 264 4.25% 15 237 4.26% 8 131 4.11% 197 2959 3.87%
12 17 260 4.19% 15 231 4.15% 8 121 3.80% 250 3746 4.90%
13 19 287 4.63% 16 254 4.57% 6 91 2.86% 323 4841 6.33%
14 27 405 6.53% 24 370 6.65% 7 107 3.36% 565 8480 11.09%
15 23 356 5.74% 22 333 5.99% 7 117 3.67% 480 7203 9.42%
16 17 259 4.17% 16 244 4.39% 8 128 4.02% 186 2792 3.65%
17 14 212 3.42% 12 189 3.40% 8 125 3.93% 120 1799 2.35%
18 21 322 5.19% 18 275 4.94% 9 136 4.27% 366 5486 7.17%
19 14 210 3.38% 12 189 3.40% 8 129 4.05% 120 1794 2.34%
20 13 197 3.17% 11 175 3.15% 10 152 4.77% 75 1132 1.48%
21 18 271 4.37% 16 240 4.31% 9 139 4.37% 201 3017 3.94%
22 19 293 4.72% 17 267 4.80% 9 143 4.49% 252 3773 4.93%
23 16 245 3.95% 14 218 3.92% 10 155 4.87% 149 2236 2.92%

Top 30 of 100 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2522 40.64% 11037 14.43% /webalizer/
2 540 8.70% 3570 4.67% /
3 83 1.34% 358 0.47% /styles/ba_global.css
4 81 1.31% 57 0.07% /customFonts/fonts.css
5 81 1.31% 198 0.26% /styles/reset.css
6 77 1.24% 408 0.53% /scripts/chili-1.7.pack.js
7 75 1.21% 616 0.81% /yakima-auto-appointment.php
8 71 1.14% 661 0.86% /bakers-auto-repair.php
9 71 1.14% 1456 1.90% /scripts/jquery.cycle.all.js
10 69 1.11% 397 0.52% /yakima-auto-contact.php
11 66 1.06% 725 0.95% /flexSlider/js/shCore.js
12 64 1.03% 187 0.24% /flexSlider/flexslider.css
13 63 1.02% 37 0.05% /flexSlider/js/demo.js
14 62 1.00% 66 0.09% /styles/ba_index.css
15 62 1.00% 2129 2.78% /webalizer/usage_201503.html
16 60 0.97% 191 0.25% /flexSlider/js/jquery.easing.js
17 59 0.95% 73 0.09% /flexSlider/js/shBrushJScript.js
18 58 0.93% 83 0.11% /flexSlider/js/shBrushXml.js
19 57 0.92% 823 1.08% /flexSlider/js/jquery.flexslider.js
20 56 0.90% 83 0.11% /flexSlider/js/jquery.mousewheel.js
21 56 0.90% 548 0.72% /yakima-auto-repair.php
22 52 0.84% 294 0.38% /yakima-auto-specials.php
23 48 0.77% 1947 2.55% /customFonts/cvcb__-webfont.ttf
24 48 0.77% 1945 2.54% /customFonts/cvcl__-webfont.ttf
25 28 0.45% 47 0.06% /scripts/contact.js
26 25 0.40% 85 0.11% /baker.ico
27 16 0.26% 17 0.02% /styles/ba_app.css
28 14 0.23% 25 0.03% /scripts/html5shiv.js
29 13 0.21% 15 0.02% /styles/ba_contact.css
30 12 0.19% 11 0.01% /styles/ba_services.css

Top 10 of 100 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2522 40.64% 11037 14.43% /webalizer/
2 540 8.70% 3570 4.67% /
3 62 1.00% 2129 2.78% /webalizer/usage_201503.html
4 48 0.77% 1947 2.55% /customFonts/cvcb__-webfont.ttf
5 48 0.77% 1945 2.54% /customFonts/cvcl__-webfont.ttf
6 71 1.14% 1456 1.90% /scripts/jquery.cycle.all.js
7 57 0.92% 823 1.08% /flexSlider/js/jquery.flexslider.js
8 66 1.06% 725 0.95% /flexSlider/js/shCore.js
9 71 1.14% 661 0.86% /bakers-auto-repair.php
10 75 1.21% 616 0.81% /yakima-auto-appointment.php

Top 10 of 12 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 540 8.70% 424 54.36% /
2 2522 40.64% 314 40.26% /webalizer/
3 62 1.00% 21 2.69% /webalizer/usage_201503.html
4 10 0.16% 9 1.15% /webalizer/usage_201608.html
5 3 0.05% 3 0.38% /webalizer/usage_201508.html
6 2 0.03% 2 0.26% /webalizer/usage_201502.html
7 2 0.03% 2 0.26% /webalizer/usage_201603.html
8 1 0.02% 1 0.13% /webalizer/usage_201309.html
9 1 0.02% 1 0.13% /webalizer/usage_201408.html
10 1 0.02% 1 0.13% /webalizer/usage_201411.html

Top 10 of 12 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 540 8.70% 421 54.25% /
2 2522 40.64% 312 40.21% /webalizer/
3 62 1.00% 21 2.71% /webalizer/usage_201503.html
4 10 0.16% 10 1.29% /webalizer/usage_201608.html
5 3 0.05% 3 0.39% /webalizer/usage_201508.html
6 2 0.03% 2 0.26% /webalizer/usage_201502.html
7 2 0.03% 2 0.26% /webalizer/usage_201603.html
8 1 0.02% 1 0.13% /webalizer/usage_201309.html
9 1 0.02% 1 0.13% /webalizer/usage_201408.html
10 1 0.02% 1 0.13% /webalizer/usage_201411.html

Top 30 of 667 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1433 23.09% 1433 25.76% 3654 4.78% 1 0.12%
2 216 3.48% 216 3.88% 444 0.58% 3 0.37%
3 200 3.22% 200 3.60% 516 0.67% 50 6.19%
4 173 2.79% 173 3.11% 1765 2.31% 61 7.55%
5 99 1.60% 87 1.56% 2418 3.16% 1 0.12%
6 84 1.35% 84 1.51% 867 1.13% 21 2.60%
7 73 1.18% 69 1.24% 2850 3.73% 2 0.25%
8 71 1.14% 59 1.06% 1546 2.02% 1 0.12%
9 69 1.11% 55 0.99% 1458 1.91% 2 0.25%
10 69 1.11% 69 1.24% 712 0.93% 24 2.97%
11 68 1.10% 68 1.22% 702 0.92% 17 2.10%
12 66 1.06% 56 1.01% 2005 2.62% 1 0.12%
13 52 0.84% 52 0.93% 537 0.70% 13 1.61%
14 51 0.82% 45 0.81% 1154 1.51% 1 0.12%
15 50 0.81% 50 0.90% 516 0.67% 50 6.19%
16 50 0.81% 46 0.83% 1151 1.50% 1 0.12%
17 49 0.79% 49 0.88% 0 0.00% 2 0.25%
18 49 0.79% 45 0.81% 1650 2.16% 1 0.12%
19 48 0.77% 42 0.75% 1513 1.98% 1 0.12%
20 47 0.76% 41 0.74% 1467 1.92% 1 0.12%
21 46 0.74% 42 0.75% 1145 1.50% 1 0.12%
22 46 0.74% 42 0.75% 1145 1.50% 1 0.12%
23 46 0.74% 42 0.75% 1145 1.50% 1 0.12%
24 43 0.69% 39 0.70% 954 1.25% 2 0.25%
25 42 0.68% 42 0.75% 1414 1.85% 1 0.12%
26 41 0.66% 39 0.70% 1055 1.38% 1 0.12%
27 41 0.66% 39 0.70% 1453 1.90% 1 0.12%
28 41 0.66% 39 0.70% 1453 1.90% 1 0.12%
29 41 0.66% 39 0.70% 1453 1.90% 1 0.12%
30 41 0.66% 39 0.70% 1453 1.90% 1 0.12%

Top 10 of 667 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1433 23.09% 1433 25.76% 3654 4.78% 1 0.12%
2 73 1.18% 69 1.24% 2850 3.73% 2 0.25%
3 99 1.60% 87 1.56% 2418 3.16% 1 0.12%
4 66 1.06% 56 1.01% 2005 2.62% 1 0.12%
5 173 2.79% 173 3.11% 1765 2.31% 61 7.55%
6 49 0.79% 45 0.81% 1650 2.16% 1 0.12%
7 71 1.14% 59 1.06% 1546 2.02% 1 0.12%
8 48 0.77% 42 0.75% 1513 1.98% 1 0.12%
9 47 0.76% 41 0.74% 1467 1.92% 1 0.12%
10 69 1.11% 55 0.99% 1458 1.91% 2 0.25%

Top 30 of 208 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 340 5.48%
2 215 3.46%
3 108 1.74%
4 103 1.66%
5 96 1.55%
6 94 1.51%
7 92 1.48%
8 91 1.47%
9 90 1.45%
10 88 1.42%
11 87 1.40%
12 87 1.40%
13 81 1.31%
14 77 1.24%
15 76 1.22%
16 75 1.21%
17 74 1.19%
18 63 1.02%
19 60 0.97%
20 59 0.95%
21 55 0.89%
22 43 0.69%
23 33 0.53%
24 31 0.50%
25 28 0.45%
26 28 0.45%
27 28 0.45%
28 28 0.45%
29 24 0.39%
30 20 0.32%

Top 15 of 358 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 228 3.67% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+bingbot/2.0;++
2 170 2.74% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Googlebot/2.1;++
3 169 2.72% Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1)
4 135 2.18% Mozilla/5.0+(iPhone;+CPU+iPhone+OS+9_3_3+like+Mac+OS+X)+AppleWebKit/601.1.46+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/9.0+Mobile/13G34+Safari/601.1
5 115 1.85% Mozilla/5.0+(iPad;+CPU+OS+9_3_2+like+Mac+OS+X)+AppleWebKit/601.1.46+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/9.0+Mobile/13F69+Safari/601.1
6 106 1.71% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/51.0.2704.103+Safari/537.36
7 105 1.69% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MJ12bot/v1.4.5;+
8 100 1.61% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Baiduspider/2.0;++
9 89 1.43% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/46.0.2486.0+Safari/537.36+Edge/13.10586
10 82 1.32% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/52.0.2743.116+Safari/537.36
11 80 1.29% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/48.0.2564.109+Safari/537.36
12 77 1.24% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.0;+Trident/5.0;++Trident/5.0)
13 76 1.22% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+WOW64;+rv:44.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/44.0
14 73 1.18% Mozilla/5.0+(Macintosh;+Intel+Mac+OS+X+10_10_5)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/51.0.2704.103+Safari/537.36
15 73 1.18% facebookexternalhit/1.1+(+

Usage by Country for August 2016

Top 16 of 16 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2505 40.37% 2172 39.04% 44161 57.73% US Commercial
2 1484 23.92% 1309 23.53% 15672 20.49% Unresolved/Unknown
3 1434 23.11% 1433 25.76% 3655 4.78% Poland
4 457 7.37% 399 7.17% 10103 13.21% Network
5 203 3.27% 194 3.49% 1832 2.39% Russian Federation
6 46 0.74% 27 0.49% 753 0.98% Germany
7 34 0.55% 2 0.04% 33 0.04% Czech Republic
8 20 0.32% 13 0.23% 142 0.19% Ukraine
9 6 0.10% 3 0.05% 41 0.05% Switzerland
10 4 0.06% 4 0.07% 41 0.05% Austria
11 4 0.06% 1 0.02% 14 0.02% United Kingdom
12 2 0.03% 1 0.02% 6 0.01% China
13 2 0.03% 2 0.04% 21 0.03% India
14 2 0.03% 1 0.02% 6 0.01% Seychelles
15 1 0.02% 1 0.02% 10 0.01% Brazil
16 1 0.02% 1 0.02% 4 0.01% Japan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01